On Saturday night, Iceland will host its third, and final, semi-final before their big National Final on February 17th. Last Saturday, they chose three more songs for their final which were:
“EG LES I LIFA THONUM” – Eirikur Hauksson
This bloke represented Iceland on their debut, as part of the group ICY in 1986. In 1991, he was a backing singer for Iceland. And now he’s back again in 2007, and it’s like he’s never been away. Mainly because “Eg Les I Lifa Thonum” sounds like something released about fifteen years ago.
“SEGTHU MER” – Jon Josep Snaebjornsson
This bloke has also done his stuff for Iceland before, representing them in 2004 with “Heaven”, positively the biggest DIRGEFEST ever to grace the Eurovision stage. It was really awful. This is a much better song, but not especially catchy.
“ELDUR” – Frithrik Omar Hjorleifsson
This is a positively cracking tune – yes, that distortion guitar introduction does make it sound like it’s from about 1991, but it’s a great lighter-anthem and Frithrik is a superb performer. It’s a very powerful song and thoroughly deserves its place in the final.
Gosh, I feel a bit funny after actually praising a song in this year’s Icelandic final! Go “Eldur” I say! Anyway, this Saturday, for the last time, eight more songs will compete for the final three places in Iceland’s national final. What are they like? How do they go? Are they really good? No, not particularly. But enjoy my review regardless!
1. “THIN LIGGUR HEIM” – Davith Smari Harthsson
Well this is like nearly all the other songs that have been featured in Iceland so far. Male vocalist performing dated soft-rock pap. This really isn’t very good.
2. “EG OG HEILINN MINN” – Ragnheithur Eiriksdottir
A female vocalist! A rare site in this year’s Icelandic semi-finals! Well this is a poppy little number that’s reminiscent of “Baby Love” by The Supremes. Interstingly, the title translates as “Me And My Brain”, which is perhaps a little more interesting than the song which, bubble-gum as it is, would certainly not beat a Silvia Night song in a fight.
3. “THU TRYLLIR MIG” – Hafsteinn Thorolfsson
Oh, it’s got a funky introduction – always a good sign. This is quite dancy and funky, very different from anything else in this year’s Icelandic finals (good!). However it’s not a particularly catchy melody and bears a hint of “Play My Game” the song that came last in Making Your Mind Up 2006 for the UK. It’s different but not groundbreaking.
4. “VILLTIR SKUGGAR” – Alexander Aron Guthbjartsson
Well here’s a soft rock song sung by a man. I’m so surprised I nearly fell of my chair. Bland.
5. “VETUR” – Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson
Yawn, yawn, yawn. Male vocalist sings over dreary piano. Yawn again.
6. “JUNINOTT” – Soffia Karlsson
This song begins with the sound of birds, with an introduction that reminds me of “Your Song”! Sweet female vocals… breaks into a pleasant bossa nova beat! Well this gets my vote simply because it’s not a rock song sung by a male. Very 60s, very sunny, very nice.
7. “ORLAGADIS” – Erna Hronn Olafsdottir
Female vocals here over the top of a sort of acoustic guitar song that builds up… and then doesn’t do anything very much. This is pretty dull I’m afraid. Actually, what am I apologising for? It’s Iceland’s reputation on the line! Bring back Stjorninn I say! Anyway, maybe song eight’s a good-en…
8. “BJARTA BROSITH” – Andri Bergmann
… or maybe not. This song pretty much sums up the Icelandic semi-finals – TOO MANY MEN SINGING TOO MANY BLAND SONGS!!! This isn’t the worst I’ve heard, but it didn’t exactly rock my socks off either.
Well, “Juninott” is most definitely the best song of this selection, and I suppose I would have to plump for “Eg Og Heilinn Minn” and “Thu Tryllir Mig”, but honestly I don’t think any of those three are anywhere near as excellent as Dusty Cowshit.
Will my three chosen songs for Saturday’s qualification get through? Or will more bland nonsense liberate itself into Iceland’s Grand Final? I’m positively bursting with excitement, but we’ll have to wait for Saturday to find out!
“EG LES I LIFA THONUM” – Eirikur Hauksson
This bloke represented Iceland on their debut, as part of the group ICY in 1986. In 1991, he was a backing singer for Iceland. And now he’s back again in 2007, and it’s like he’s never been away. Mainly because “Eg Les I Lifa Thonum” sounds like something released about fifteen years ago.
“SEGTHU MER” – Jon Josep Snaebjornsson
This bloke has also done his stuff for Iceland before, representing them in 2004 with “Heaven”, positively the biggest DIRGEFEST ever to grace the Eurovision stage. It was really awful. This is a much better song, but not especially catchy.
“ELDUR” – Frithrik Omar Hjorleifsson
This is a positively cracking tune – yes, that distortion guitar introduction does make it sound like it’s from about 1991, but it’s a great lighter-anthem and Frithrik is a superb performer. It’s a very powerful song and thoroughly deserves its place in the final.
Gosh, I feel a bit funny after actually praising a song in this year’s Icelandic final! Go “Eldur” I say! Anyway, this Saturday, for the last time, eight more songs will compete for the final three places in Iceland’s national final. What are they like? How do they go? Are they really good? No, not particularly. But enjoy my review regardless!
1. “THIN LIGGUR HEIM” – Davith Smari Harthsson
Well this is like nearly all the other songs that have been featured in Iceland so far. Male vocalist performing dated soft-rock pap. This really isn’t very good.
2. “EG OG HEILINN MINN” – Ragnheithur Eiriksdottir
A female vocalist! A rare site in this year’s Icelandic semi-finals! Well this is a poppy little number that’s reminiscent of “Baby Love” by The Supremes. Interstingly, the title translates as “Me And My Brain”, which is perhaps a little more interesting than the song which, bubble-gum as it is, would certainly not beat a Silvia Night song in a fight.
3. “THU TRYLLIR MIG” – Hafsteinn Thorolfsson
Oh, it’s got a funky introduction – always a good sign. This is quite dancy and funky, very different from anything else in this year’s Icelandic finals (good!). However it’s not a particularly catchy melody and bears a hint of “Play My Game” the song that came last in Making Your Mind Up 2006 for the UK. It’s different but not groundbreaking.
4. “VILLTIR SKUGGAR” – Alexander Aron Guthbjartsson
Well here’s a soft rock song sung by a man. I’m so surprised I nearly fell of my chair. Bland.
5. “VETUR” – Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson
Yawn, yawn, yawn. Male vocalist sings over dreary piano. Yawn again.
6. “JUNINOTT” – Soffia Karlsson
This song begins with the sound of birds, with an introduction that reminds me of “Your Song”! Sweet female vocals… breaks into a pleasant bossa nova beat! Well this gets my vote simply because it’s not a rock song sung by a male. Very 60s, very sunny, very nice.
7. “ORLAGADIS” – Erna Hronn Olafsdottir
Female vocals here over the top of a sort of acoustic guitar song that builds up… and then doesn’t do anything very much. This is pretty dull I’m afraid. Actually, what am I apologising for? It’s Iceland’s reputation on the line! Bring back Stjorninn I say! Anyway, maybe song eight’s a good-en…
8. “BJARTA BROSITH” – Andri Bergmann
… or maybe not. This song pretty much sums up the Icelandic semi-finals – TOO MANY MEN SINGING TOO MANY BLAND SONGS!!! This isn’t the worst I’ve heard, but it didn’t exactly rock my socks off either.
Well, “Juninott” is most definitely the best song of this selection, and I suppose I would have to plump for “Eg Og Heilinn Minn” and “Thu Tryllir Mig”, but honestly I don’t think any of those three are anywhere near as excellent as Dusty Cowshit.
Will my three chosen songs for Saturday’s qualification get through? Or will more bland nonsense liberate itself into Iceland’s Grand Final? I’m positively bursting with excitement, but we’ll have to wait for Saturday to find out!
juninott, at 4:25 PM
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